About Stronghold ICF

Stronghold ICF is Part of the Team!

Over the years we’ve heard every ICF manufacturer saying that their ICF Block is the Best, well, each of them might have been right at some point in history, but most of them still have the same product, with the same issues we’ve all had to spend our time & money to learn & put in place a workaround for – if there’s one thing we’ve heard consistently while designing the Stronghold ICF Block it’s that Contractors are sick of carrying the can when a pour goes wrong.

ICFs that Blowout are Bad Business for Contractors.

Any ICF Manufacturer that says the Contractor should have screwed ply reinforcing to hold together a standard build & pour is missing the point. Who pays for the ply, the screws, the time to rip it down & screw it on the ICF? You do, that’s who!

The better ICF Manufacturers & Dealers may compensate to some extent for those job-site mishaps when it’s clearly down to the block when a corner fails, or a T-wall blows, but our Contractors all said the same – To increase the use of ICF for constructing Resilient Homes & Buildings we need a reliable ICF product, designed for strength, that makes our job easier & that builds quicker with fewer job-site workarounds to prevent blowouts.

We listened, welcome to the Stronghold ICF Block – Designed by Engineers & Contractors for Contractors to build with confidence.

Who makes Stronghold ICF Blocks?

As soon as the experienced Stronghold Team showed their ICF Blocks to some of the highest quality ICF molders in North America, they wanted to produce this block – Bearing in mind that many already produce other ICF blocks - that tells you a lot.

Knowing the quality of ICF block required to build straight concrete walls without gaps, bulges, blowouts, or the huge amount of time & extra money typically spent on wood strapping & screws is what makes Stronghold ICF confidently different.

We’ve Been There, Talk to Us

What also makes us different is that we listen to our Contractors, if you have any suggestions for improvements or additions to the Stronghold range of ICF blocks & products, we’d love to hear from you here.